Anne L Ryan


My workshops are a creative space in which to work with a body-mind approach to expressing vocal sound through movement. My work integrates many ways to explore verbal and non-verbal communication through the physical body, making movement and working with the breath to release an improvised sound. This has been a consistent focus of my workshops over many years. By improvising with sound in this way, tensions and holding patterns in the body can be liberated. The mind is rested and free, and a space opens for new ways to express our individual unique way of being.

Embodiment and Sound Workshop: Bee-ing in the body sound-bridge – a creative voice workshop embodying improvised movement and sound

Saturday, 15 April 2023 – St Augustine’s Hall and Community Centre, Cambridge CB4 3PS10am to 2pm

Come with an open mind and heart, and leave feeling resourced with love for yourself and those you meet on your path.  

You can find more information about this workshop and register here.

To receive information about my workshops register your email address here.

Please get in touch with any questions to annelryan.therapy[at], providing a phone number for me to call you back.