Anne L Ryan
Embodiment and Sound Workshop

Embodiment and Sound Workshop

Bee-ing in the body sound-bridge – a creative voice workshop embodying improvised movement and sound

CANCELLED – Saturday, 15 April 2023 – St Augustine’s Hall and Community Centre, Cambridge CB4 3PS

The workshop: 10.00am – 2pm – Cost £35This workshop is cancelled due to insufficient numbers. Do sign up to the newsletter for information about the next workshop.

Come with an open mind and heart, and leave feeling resourced with love for yourself and those you meet on your path.

Content: Working with the body, encouraging slow movement, and focusing gently on the breath, the body becomes deeply relaxed. By connecting in this way with the body, the whole system slows and time is taken to be with your own body’s rhythm.  

From this space we work with sound. The impulse to make sound comes from a very deep silent place. Once we connect and work with this, we create a body sound bridge. By working with this soft gentle sound again and again, it creates an emotional healing bridge resonating between our body and mind. This sound replenishes and revivifies our body’s whole system.

Context: Have you noticed how easily your mood is uplifted when in the company of those you enjoy being with? You feel connected, inspired by life’s joie de vivre. This becomes motivating and, like a magnet, similar-minded people are drawn in. Through this common bond, made with easy effort, we create a community. Imagine the lyrical tone of this hubbub of delightful voices resonating together in communication — this has been my inspiration for how I will work with vocal sound in this workshop.

Information: Workshop: 8-12 participants and will be held at St Augustine’s Hall and Community Centre, Cambridge

On the day –

  • an honest curiosity about resonating sound in the body
  • physical agility from floor to standing and back again
  • a yoga mat
  • a pillow or yoga block
  • wear loose clothing, with layers to keep warm/cool
  • a blanket for warmth
  • water to drink
  • food, soup, hot drinks, or cold drinks
  • leave your shoes outside
  • be present with yourself

My experience: Working with vocal sound in this way has broadened the landscape of my place and space with the sacred earth. One reason for this is because I work from a place of non-verbal communication – a place without words. It’s a place of listening to my own sound and how it feels in my body. A place of deep internal connection that resonates in my whole body. This provides me with stability and a connection with my path in life.

When I work with individuals and groups, we start from a place of resonating sound in the body, leading to working with breath and movement to feel the embodiment of vocal sound. This is a new experience for many so it takes time to connect with it. However, I notice that the experience of resonating sound with like-minded people is supportive as they connect and create to communicating in sound together. 

There is something in this work that creates a place of equanimity. When you find it and learn through your own curiosity to sustain it, you can become stable, even peaceful in your way of being.

There’s no quick fix to maintaining this state. What is required is an honest curiosity about how to gather, through sound, all the particles of your life into one place as you make your sound. When you move from this into relationship, in that moment you create community.

Like a baby who in the early stages of development, to feel secure in the foundations of their body, they need to be soothed when life’s flow is disrupted. We work with this principle using body, movement breath and sound to soothe our nervous system.  This inner resource is available to everyone, an ancient gift from our ancestors to heal and soothe, and bring our bodies back into equilibrium.

Warmly, Anne

Register for the workshop using the form below and I will follow up with a phone call.

